American Couples versus International Couples

Honestly, why do most men and women around the world become couples?

Is the #1 reason:

  • physical attraction
  • sexual intercourse
  • giving birth and raising kid(s) together
  • unconditional love
  • forced marriage
  • arranged marriage
  • loyalty to God
  • or something else?

I do not really know the main answer.

Do you (American or Westernized man) know?

Even though there are countless beautiful women in Ukraine, Colombia, Dominican Republic, etc., I still want to find a woman I am very interested. I want to commit or marry her someday; then, we can join the rest of the couples who are happy together. Are you interested in dating or marrying a foreign woman too?

Couples are supposed to bring happiness and togetherness to the world. But, due to their different cultures, personalities, and so on, they really do not. Both American/Westernized and international couples have their ups and downs. So, here is a bulleted list of 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for each of the couples:

American/Westernized Couples


  • They are patriotic. 
    • They love and show pride of United States.
    • The same thing applies to couples in Westernized countries as well.
    • They would probably die for their countries.
  • They have so much in common.
    • Usually, those who share similar ages, backgrounds, races, cultures, favorite music, etc., already have a natural bond.
    • They cannot ignore, forget, or move on with other people easily.
      • But, if any of them can do so if he or she:
        • faces death of partner or spouse
        • falls in love with someone else
        • loses physical attraction or sexual interest in partner/spouse
        • becomes a different person or the partner/spouse does
    • If they share kid(s) together, they would always be connected.
      • It does not matter if the couple stays together or grows apart.
  • They are taken seriously by others.
    • They can discuss their relationships on radio or television locally or nationally.
    • They can invite many friends, family members, colleagues, and others to their weddings (if they are very popular or likable).
    • Celebrity couples like Jay-Z and Beyonce can easily inspire and draw countless fans, followers, and friends.


  • Most of them break up or divorce for any reason (good or bad).
    • The divorce rate in United States is between 40% and 50%.
      • We should not be surprised if the divorce rate in each Westernized country (e.g. Australia) is the same or higher.
    • Just as many older Americans/Westerners end their relationships or marriages, many younger ones do the same too.
    • Possible reasons are:
      • irreconcilable differences
      • lack of interest
      • adultery
      • constant arguing, disagreeing, or fighting
      • violence
      • stupidity
      • nonstop drama
      • and more
  • They are arrogant.
    • Even if some of them are not, they may seem that way to single people who are lonely, frustrated, or disappointed.
    • Heartbroken, abandoned, or abused people may become jealous and have hidden agendas with the couples.
      • Most movies shown on the Lifetime channels prove my true statement.
    • If one of them commits a crime (e.g. molesting a child) or anything else wrong, then the other spouse/partner may defend or excuse him or her anyway.
  • They may discourage those who want to marry or be in a serious relationship.
    • Why do single people keep outnumbering couples in United States and every other country?
    • Why are many Americans/Westerners still single or choose to be?
    • If many people see marriage as a joke or waste for themselves, then why are they so happy for married couple(s) or eager to go to wedding(s)?
      • Furthermore, why do minor or adult children become upset if their parents get a divorce?
    • People who are interested in being in interracial, international, or May-December relationships would face large obstacles.
      • I say that because I still have a hard time going back overseas and meeting foreign women again.

International Couples


  • They love each other unconditionally. 
    • They accept their cultural, racial, religious, etc. differences.
    • They cannot survive without each other.
    • They have something in common with:
      • interracial American or Western couples
      • May-December American or Western couples
    • If they give birth to kid(s), they would show the same love with him or her too.
  • They ignore or do not care what others say, think, or do against them.
    • Couples from “90 Day Fiance” are great examples.
    • As long as these couples agree with each other or stay together, the words, thoughts, or actions of family, friends, and other people are meaningless.
      • If anyone cannot support an international couple, then he or she should go his/her separate way.
    • They realize that their relationships are more important than their relationships with other people.
  • They are more inspirational to singles and other couples (in general) alike.
    • Single people would believe that their second halves do exist.
      • Singles would have to find them even if it means traveling overseas.
    • Other couples are either jealous or happy for international couples.
    • An international couple can encourage relatives, friends, and others to date or marry foreigners as well.


  • They would face cultural, etc. issues.
    • What if a couple sees someone or something differently even though they are both right?
    • What if he wants to stays in a place but she wants to live somewhere else?
    • What if she does not like the food he cooks and eats or vice versa?
  • They may deal with haters and jealous ones for the rest of their lives.
    • Interracial couples can definitely relate to the issue(s).
    • It does not matter where international couples go, what they do, or whether or not they have a child or children together.
    • As long as this world still exists, there would always be those who do not want these couples to be happy.
  • They may let a certain thing or person come between them.
    • Possibly later, a person starts paying more attention to a chosen career or job than he/she does with his/her partner or spouse.
    • He or she may respect and listen more to a close friend or loved one than he/she does with the partner/spouse.
    • As the couple becomes stronger, their obstacle(s) becomes more difficult to overcome.
      • In order to keep their relationship or marriage alive, they must give up something valuable or cut ties with someone who tries to separate them.

American or Westernized couples (especially those who are the same races) are favored or justified by society, media, etc. However, most of the couples do not stick together as most interracial and May-December couples do. International couples join interracial and May-December couples because they are all different physically, culturally, etc. Plus, they each can have lifelong relationships or marriages probably because they are never bored of each other.

If boredom is the main reason why same race American/Westernized couples go their separate ways, then maybe we should consider dating or marrying women of other races, nationalities, etc. I do not want to be with a woman (of my race or culture) who is going to:

  • drive me nuts
  • make me fall asleep every time I hear her mouth
  • remind me constantly that we are the same race
  • complain about something stupid or meaningless
  • give me nonstop drama and maybe include her family and friends
  • or make me wish that I have met her

I want to be with a woman (whether she is black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or mixed race) who inspires or brings out the best in me. I want to constantly learn about her culture, language, etc. If I have difficulty finding her in United States, then I am heading to a foreign country (e.g. Colombia) instead.

What about you?

Do you want to struggle to find or keep a relationship with a local American/Westernized woman?

Or do you want to follow me overseas and go the easy route of finding your potential girlfriend or wife?

American couple – Poptastic Bride
international couple – Elena’s Models


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