How Can a Foreign Woman Make Your Life Better?

If you (American or Western man) are happy with your life, you would make a Ukrainian, Philippine, Colombian, Dominican, or any other foreign woman happy too.

But, if you are truly miserable, then you need to change your life. You must solve any problem(s) you have with someone (e.g. estranged family member or ex-wife) or get rid of something (e.g. materialism, anger, or selfishness) destructive or unhealthy. Then, you can have a fresh start. You can move forward with the woman of your dreams. She does not have to feel uncomfortable or worried about your negative past. She wants you to focus on her instead of something or someone who has done you wrong.

The following 8 ways of how she can improve your life are:

She can make you smile often.

Because she likes to put a smile on her face everyday, she wants you to do the same. Also, because she is positive, she wants you to be (more) positive as well. She is your happy girlfriend or wife; you can have a happy (or happier) life with her.

She can make you enjoy doing house chores.

Whether you have joyfully washed dishes, vacuumed carpets, cleaned bathrooms, etc. or not, she would encourage you to have a different attitude toward these household responsibilities. You want to show how much you appreciate her. You do not want to disappoint her by leaving her all the chores to do. If you show fairness to her, then she would feel more respected and valued than she has in her native country (which focuses primarily on men).

She can make you become (more) romantic.

If you have stopped going to a movie theater, roller-skating rink or any other place where couples usually go, then you may return to a romantic place with her. You would love to talk, laugh, hold hands, dance, etc. with her. As a result, you both would create amazing memories together. You can inspire family, friends, and future kid(s) to do the same with their second halves as well.

She can help you build (more) confidence.

The more faith she has in you, the more things you believe you can do. You would feel more alive than you ever have (probably in your entire life). You care less what other people (whether they are loved ones, acquaintances, or strangers) say or think about you. You start to realize that they do not know, believe, or care about you as much as your woman does. A good example of this fact is a 1963 “Twilight Zone” episode starring Robert Duvall.

She accepts you as you are.

This is the main reason why she is involved or married to you. Unlike a typical American/Western woman who says that she loves you but does not really show it, a foreign woman would mean what she says and walk the walk. You would not get any mind games, hypocrisy, and other signs of dishonesty from a foreign woman. Her culture, background, etc. do not represent selfish or negative behaviors. She has been taught (by her mother principally) to:

  • uplift you if you become discouraged
  • help you if you become helpless
  • be there for you during the good and bad times
  • die if you are in danger
    • On his YouTube channel, I have heard this possibility a few times from Mark Davis of Dream Connections regarding his Ukrainian wife (Anna).
    • As beautiful a foreign woman is inside and out, you would probably risk your life for hers instead.

She is willing to give you anything you need or want.

Indeed, she (besides the Lord God) is a solution to your problem(s). She wants to help you all the way. She would persist in making you happy or satisfied. After all, she does not want to lose her relationship or marriage with you and go back to her country. She would probably be very upset that she has to move on with her life without you.

She would bring (more) peace between you, her loved ones, and your loved ones.

If you are close to your family and friends, you should be able to do the same with hers too. She would reciprocate with yours as well. The result is that 2 families of different cultures, etc. come together as 1.

However, if you are distant from your loved ones, you should try to become close to hers. Getting along or connecting with other people (even if they are difficult) is necessary. It can help you improve your relationship with her as well as anyone else.

She may help you change your mind about having a child or children.

Whether you are already a father or not, you may want to share kid(s) with her. If she really wants (more) children, she would be ecstatic. Offspring of an international couple shares 2 awesome cultures, etc. They also would make a huge difference in the world as mixed race children do.

A foreign woman would stick with you thick and thin. She can become your second half because she can complete you. Your car, house, money, business, computer, or any other possession does not stand a chance with her. She is the only one who can touch your heart. She is a living soul and human being like you are. She can become your life partner or future wife if you are willing to get on an airplane and go see her in her country. She is waiting for a man like you to show up.

Hanna (#3801853) – Dream Connections


  1. […] You would realize that the attractive and unattractive women are not much different from each other. Both of them have lost their minds. If you want to escape from them, other women with serious baggage, angry and outspoken feminists, and the anti-male society, go overseas. Even entering a foreign country once would make your life better. […]


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