10 Tips that Can Help You Create Your Dream Business

Starting a business is never easy because of:

  • The lack of experience you (American or Western man) have
  • The large amount of money you may be forced to spend or invest
  • The nonstop work you have to perform
  • The doubt or fear of failure you may feel initially

However, seeking a job nowadays is no different. Possibly negative results such as receiving a low income, being mistreated by managers/coworkers, working in an unsafe or uncomfortable environment, and worrying about paying your bills can drive you to take a risk in quitting your job and becoming self-employed full-time by spending numerous hours with your own business. But, due to my current experience with Foreign Chat Web (FCW) business, I highly recommend that you plan and pick how much money you need/want to spend or invest in your dream business. If you have medical, insurance, rent, etc. bills, please prioritize and pay them first. Write a budget plan like I have so that you can avoid worrying about the amount of money you earn or have left. If you eventually become tired of your job or wish to follow and turn your passion into a lucrative business, please do so without hesitance. The late English poet (Alfred Tennyson) has confirmed in his famous quote that trying and failing something lead to successful results. Furthermore, I provide below 10 helpful pieces of advice that can frankly skyrocket your business:

Tip #1 – Ask and answer 6 basic questions.

Since I have attended Virginia Peninsula Community College (formerly known as Thomas Nelson Community College) from August 2005 to December 2009, I have learned the “5Ws and 1H” questions which have supported me in writing clear and successful essays, blog posts, research papers, and even a website project plan for FCW business. That questionnaire can certainly give you a coherent understanding or perspective toward a book, video, company, or anything else that comes to your mind. For that reason, if you struggle or become perplexed when it comes to something you need to do or know about your potential business, please remember to use the “5Ws and 1H” questions to your advantage. Think or find as many answers as you can for each question. You can thus build more confidence in yourself as well as reassurance that you can grow your business.

Tip #2 – Seek professional advice from those with experience in business.

If you wish to avoid making (extra) mistakes, wasting (more) money, or being frustrated often, get in touch with an expert or entrepreneur online or in person. Carefully listen and actively take notes of what he or she says. I have done both actions after having a 30-minute WhatsApp phone call with a Fiverr professional and public speaker in January 2021. Fortunately, he has sent me email message(s) that pertains to the information (for FCW business) during our phone conversation. If you ever experience this, I would advise you to hire the same professional or a different one after making some changes to your potential business plan or so. Another decision is taking notes of the online research that you do and videos that you may watch on YouTube. The effects of active listening, according to an “In Professional Development” article, are:

Allow yourself to grow and learn new details about yourself through positive sources/people.

Tip #3 – Create an unique name for your dream business.

Writer Alex Skryl of entrepreneur.com suggests that someone or a team of individuals select or come up with a suitable business name based on:

I have accomplished all 4 ways above so that I can decide and make the right name (“Foreign Chat Web”) for my online business with Elizabeth permanently. In addition, I have picked that name in accordance to the similar name (“Foreign Love Web”) of this blog of 6 years. Both blog and business names still represent my:

Like me, you should also remain true to yourself and focused on your purpose or goals. God can hence surprise and assist you in naming your possible company properly.

Tip #4 – Develop unique products, services, or both that can set your business apart from competitors.

Whether you sell products/services that you have previously bought from another business or create your own products/services from scratch, you must verify that they are:

  • Exclusive
  • Effective
  • Included with incredible features or benefits
  • Charged for excellent and reasonable costs

Around the middle of winter of this year, I have created 2 video chatting services for FCW website. The first one, “Video Chats with Ladies” ($50), describes an one-time or recurring video communication between a male member, an Ukrainian or European female of his choice, and their assigned translator. For the other service, “Singles Vacation Consultation”, he can have a 30 minute ($50) or 60 minute ($100) paid video call with an assigned vacation planner and consultant. The result is that he can gain and organize information for his possible vacation in Europe (any safe European country nearby Ukraine and where the ladies live currently or permanently). Despite of what service he purchases, he still has an opportunity to build a serious rapport with a beautiful woman. My business partner, Elizabeth, and I still have a chance to help her female friends and other ladies from her dating agency or city (Odessa, Ukraine) find international love with the right men. Consequently, you can still reach your long-term goals, whether they are personal, professional, or both, as long as you keep doing something:

Tip #5 – Identify and know well your targeted audience or potential consumers.

In order to make your possible business survive and grow in profitability, you need to have the right people. It is great to hire those who share your beliefs, dreams, characteristics, etc. But, it is better if you all can attract hundreds, thousands, or even millions of individuals who fall in love with your:

Similar to this blog, FCW website is also targeted to American/Western men and foreign women (only those who are Ukrainian or European). Elizabeth and I have adequate videos, photos, etc. that make our target viewers plus target market obvious. She and I have spent over 3 years in going above and beyond to support her friends and other Ukrainian/European females find hope, respect, maturity, etc. from the opposite gender. To this day, she and I are continuing our intention through FCW website. If you desire to visit our YouTube channel and other social media webpages for hope and new/better ideas for your dream business, please click the text links in this sentence. Perhaps you are capable of learning the type(s) of people who may like and spend money on your work.

Tip #6 – Pay supplemental attention to needs or desires of other individuals.

Everyone has different emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and so forth. He or she also has various distractions such as mobile phones, video games, television shows, etc. that can negatively affect his or her relationships with others. Howbeit, giving undivided attention to them is necessary or recommended for his or her ideal business. Regarding FCW business, Elizabeth and I typically confirm that we carefully read the entire email or text messages from our viewers and followers before replying to them. The same thing applies to our phone and video calls with future consumers too. Total respect and focus on the spoken or written words of other humans can lead you to reciprocity plus a better connection with them. As a result, you can thrive your dream business and reassure yourself that numerous people are going to purchase your products/services.

Tip #7 – Save or invest as much money as you can for your ideal company.

Like friends, money comes and goes. So, how can you retain it in your wallet or bank account? One of the tips that are discussed on a “SkillsYouNeed.com” article is creating a budget. Plan and write these things in order:

  1. The amount of money you earn from your job or business
  2. The amount of money you need/want to spend for bills, groceries, gas for your vehicle(s), etc.
  3. The amount of money you have left for saving or investment

I enjoy writing how I spend and save my income every week. I can avoid more worry or frustration, fulfill my needs/desires, and keep compensating CIS web developers for finishing FCW website. Regardless of your income, you can still begin or take your possible company to a higher level. There is a famous quote “Money does not grow on trees”. Nonetheless, use it to your advantage and cause it to turn your business into an unstoppable, indestructible, and extravagant empire.

Tip #8 – Stop or avoid relying on other people for money and other needs for your dream business.

It is beneficial and satisfactory to obtain unconditional love, food, housing, and other needs from your relatives, friends, and other locals. But, they may disappoint, discourage, or frustrate you if they fail or refuse to give you everything you need/want for your ideal company. I do not expect or wish to get help from my family members when it comes to FCW business with Elizabeth. In fact, they have their own flaws, limits, and other issues to keep them busy mentally and physically. Plus, Elizabeth and I have created FCW business for the sake of her friends and other Ukrainian/European females who just want to enter content and everlasting relationships with American/Western males. She and I truly believe and have the capacity to attain our lifetime goals through the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only He and His Father (God) can fulfill or exceed our expectations, needs, and desires through 9 diverse ways according to author Jeana Stuart of a “Newspring Church” article. So, like me and Elizabeth, all you have to do is to increase your faith and become vulnerable to God the Father and His Son. They can take care of all of your problems and clear your path. You are able to consequently prosper your potential company.

Tip #9 – Be prepared for unexpected challenges or obstacles that can block your direction.

Always remember this phrase “Expect the unexpected”. In other words, you are incapable of predicting or controlling the upcoming events or difficulties that may affect your ideal business. If you decide to dwell in disappointment, negative thoughts, or so, you may sooner or later give up and move forward to a mediocre or miserable job. Notwithstanding, if you remain positive and persistent, you would become a true winner absolutely. This instance relates to me and Elizabeth regarding FCW business. We have:

Fortunately, she and I can move forward, take another look at the large picture, and improve the current FCW website and future FCW videos. We realize that we are able to get the things that we crave through our business by being in uncomfortable situations, spending undesirable but required amounts of money, and dealing with unpleasant issues/viewers/followers. There is no other way or option to succeed in your goals. Like me and her, you are given 2 choices in life:

Hopefully, you select the second option so that God can guide you to the fullness of your destiny.

Tip #10 – Always stay consistent in your business strategy from A to Z.

Plan, combine, and organize your details plus those from valid references/sources in order to have a clear vision of your dream company. For more professionalism, type your business plan on Microsoft Word or a similar software. Update the document file if more facts need to be added or changed. I have done something similar to this with the webpage sketches and website project plan of FCW website recently. If Elizabeth and I ever need to change or add additional webpages or extra information to the existing ones of the website, then I would return to the sketches and project plan document. Based on my and her experiences, starting and maintaining an ideal business and its website are exhilarating but expensive to pay repeatedly. But, if you are willing to invest/spend as much time plus money for growing your company, you can enjoy the remainder of your life with benefits and profits that you have gained. All you need is a multitude of people (e.g. employees, customers, followers, loved ones) who believe and agree with you concerning your business strategy, mission statement, and the qualities of your products/services.


A business is like a home. You need proper and durable tools and components for a successful completion. It does not matter if the equipment and parts are physical, digital, or both. As long as your possible business symbolizes who you are as a person, what you believe as the truth, which products or services that you love, and how you can help others, you can end up somewhere you wish to be financially, personally, mentally, and emotionally.

I candidly hope that the 10 business tips that I have explained are going to encourage you to start your own business. If you work at a job that you dislike or maybe like so much but earn a small salary, you might become interested in self-employment like I do. After all, you may need extra money like I do for covering expenses of various bills. Furthermore, you can spend extra time and pay extra attention to your passion(s).

Life is a short gift from God. Therefore, wisely use your limited time on earth to:

  • Follow your heart or dreams
  • Build and leave your legacy for your loved ones
  • Have zero regrets at a later or senior age

The world needs more originality although it receives excess mediocrity from uninspired, lazy, insecure, and/or cheap people.

For that reason, make a positive difference in the business world with your ideal and unique company.

Bring in a compatible lady to both of your personal and professional lives.

Finally, you and she are set for life.

“Your Dream Business” image – inspiretothrive.com


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